Investing in the future of Oyo State

What Oyo State needs…

A Modern City
Realising the objective of modernising the infrastructure in Oyo State needs a leader with the right vision, tenacity and capacity

Improved Education
The educational sector is in dire need of much desired attention bringing it to an acceptable level for our children and indigenes of Oyo State

World-Class Healthcare
Oyo State needs a leader who can deliver quality healthcare of international standards to her people on a broad and sustainable scale.
MANDATE 2019 – 2023
Over the years it has become difficult for the people of Oyo State to understand what real leadership and true service is. It is time to re-orientate the people for them to know their rights as citizens of Oyo State; rights to maximum protection of life and property, adequate Social Housing, Security, Transportation Network, Power Supply, Clean Water, improved Education, World Class Healthcare, Modern Infrastructure coupled with a vibrant Commerce, Tourism, Technology and Agricultural Sector.
Our desire is to re-discover Oyo State, previously known to set the pace on many fronts – Education, Industry, Medicine, Research, Business and politics; unfortunately, the state has sliden out of reckoning in recent years. It is time to re-discover Oyo State.
It is time to set Oyo State back on motion, surpass her old glory and re-activate through selfless service to the people. Power belongs to the people and it is time to return the power to them. Seyi Makinde is simply the right man to bring about the transformation needed.
Oyo State Sustainable Development Road Map 2019 – 2023
Oyo State Road Map for Accelerated Development is the governor elect’s long-term strategy to make Oyo State a better place for all residents. The roadmap is about doing things differently and changing how investment in public infrastructure in Oyo State is implemented, moving away from past practices that involved the ineffective utilisation of public funds and investment decisions that did not correlate with well-defined policies.